
Discover Cemaes’ Natural Heritage – Wildlife & Geology

January 31, 2023
Tim Coysh

Along The Coast, Cemaes Has A lot To Offer


Coastal Path

The Isle of Anglesey Coastal Path, which is 125 miles (200 km) long, travels through some of Wales’ most beautiful coastal landscapes, including expansive sandy bays and estuaries, quiet coves, spectacular cliffs and rocky islets, sand dunes, and woodlands. The area is now called An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty  (AONB), providing an excellent vantage point to explore the rugged coastline and see a rich diversity of wildlife and geology.

dolphin dropping out of the blue sea


Cemaes have a range of wildlife – foxes, and peregrine falcons. Usually, on Wylfa Head, you can see porpoises coming up for air. The currents around there are perfect feeding spots for them. Cemaes harbour is a perfect spot for fishing, as you can catch Atlantic mackerel, flatfish, red crabs and other fish and crustaceans. Near Cemaes is Cemlyn, which hosts the only breeding Sandwich terns in Wales.


The Mona Complex, one of the oldest rock complexes known in Wales, makes up the majority of the rocks exposed by coastal erosion in North Anglesey. It is older than the slates of the North Wales quarrying industry since it rests beneath them, albeit it is probably not that much older in geological terms. It does not predate the origins of life because fossilised remains have been discovered in the rocks, making its age somewhere about 600 million years old.

Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

The Isle of Anglesey’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) covers most of the island’s 201km coastline offering majestic land and seascapes to captivate and inspire you.

Cemlyn Nature Reserve

Cemaes is a close neighbour to s coastal lagoon and shingle ridge at Cemlyn Nature Reserve which is owned by the National Trust and managed by the North Wales Wildlife Trust.  During the summer months, Cemlyn is home to one of the largest breeding colonies of sandwich terns but be prepared for a real treat as Cemlyn attracts many rare birds. All North Wales Wildlife Trust events are advertised on their website.

gannet sea bird with the ocean in the background


At Cemaes, there are numerous seabirds that can be observed in the harbour and around the headlands. Beware of gulls diving on you while you eat! There are numerous gannets, gulls, guillemots, fulmars, kittiwakes, and if you’re lucky, chough or raven sightings. When the tide is high, Curlew and Whimbrel can be seen in the nearby fields, while Heron, Redshank, and Oyster Catchers can be spotted on the beach when the tide is low.


Once the backbone of industry in the village, fishing is still popular.  Whether sea or shore fishing is your bag there is much bounty to be reeled in including bass, bull huss, coalie, coalfish, cod, conger eel, dab, dogfish, flounder, ling, mackerel, pollack, and whiting.

Visit MV Stingray angling charter or contact David Williams at 01407 710510 if you are interested in a sea fishing trip from the Cemaes Pier. They offer site seeing, fishing, animal watching and wreck diving trip for visitors to the area.