
Bird Watching At Anglesey Golf Course

March 12, 2024
Tim Coysh

Enjoy The Wildlife Seen On Anglesey Golf Course

Before teeing off, take a moment to observe the pools and marshlands near the clubhouse. Here, you’ll likely spot Oystercatchers, Redshanks, Curlews, Teals, Widgeons, Little Egrets, and a resident flock of Greylag Geese. These Greylag Geese are permanent residents, offering year-round sightings.

As you approach the first tee and cross the River Crygll, keep an eye out for Little Grebe, Mallard, and occasionally Mergansers. On calm days, you might catch the calls of Herring Gulls, Curlew, and Jackdaws, with the distant mewing of Buzzards overhead adding to the ambiance.

Kestrels frequently hover nearby, scanning the grassy areas for voles and field mice. The distinctive call of the Chough, a winter visitor to the golf course, may also be heard.

Be wary of the larger Raven, as they have been known to swoop down and snatch golf balls. However, if you witness them taking your ball, you’re allowed to replace it. Anglesey hosts the largest winter roost of ravens in Britain and Europe, ensuring their regular presence on the course during this season. Keep an eye out for Rooks and Crows, although they won’t interfere with your game.

Even in winter, the course remains lively with the songs of Skylarks, particularly along the 4th fairway. Meadow Pipits and Hooded Crows may also make appearances, adding to the birdwatching experience.

Upon reaching the 7th fairway, adorned with vibrant Gorse bushes, keep watch for Stonechats, Linnets, and Wrens foraging in the foliage. Beware the swift Sparrowhawk hunting its prey.

During the back nine, with fairways lined by gorse, scan the fields beyond the 11th green and 12th tee for wintering Lapwings, Golden Plovers, Starling flocks, Black-headed Gulls, and circling Jackdaws.

At the white tee on the 12th, observe the river bordered by reed beds. While Reed and Sedge Warblers and Swallows may have migrated by November, Cormorants, Moorhens, Coots, and possibly a Kingfisher may still be spotted. Listen for the distinctive call of the Water Rail and keep an eye out for rabbits, weasels, and foxes among the natural gorse.

Finally, as you approach the 18th, glance at the river to the right for sightings of Grebes, Herons, and waders during low tide.

After your round, reflect on the diverse wildlife encountered throughout your game, providing a unique and enriching experience beyond just the scorecard. And remember to return in different seasons to witness the ever-changing spectacle of Anglesey Golf Course’s wildlife.

curlew bird standing in the grassland